Deploying Crowdsec on k3s

I’ve deployed Crowdsec, a collaborative Intrusion Prevention system, into my Kubernetes cluster using Ansible.
Deep Dive Into Helm

Continuing to deep dive into the world of automating a static website using Drone and Kubernetes
Ntfy Self-Hosted Push Notifications

Ntfy is a platform for sending push notifications to your desktop or phone by simply using a PUT/POST HTTP request. In other words, it’s pub-sub. Clients publish to a topic and subscribers to the topic will be notified when something new is published. Simple and effective way to get your own push notifications. I’ve previously written how I use Ntfy with Tasker.
Vaultwarden for ALL the Passwords

Vaultwarden is an implementation of the Bitwarden API in Rust. It’s fast, lightweight, secure, and compatible with the official Bitwarden clients. It’s perfect for self-hosting a password manager for your family and a few friends. I’ve run it for over two years and it is rock solid. I support Bitwarden as well by buying a personal subscription and recommend it to my clients for their enterprise password management needs.
Dashy - A Homepage For Your Homelab

Dashy is a highly customizable dashboard app which makes a great homepage for accessing all of your personal applications. Out of the box, it doesn’t provide any authentication or authorization so anyone with access will see the dashboard. I am using Authelia to protect it.
The Great Migration
Back in April, I wrote a summary post about the project I had been working on to migrate to a new k3s cluster from the original Rancher Kubernetes cluster that I created in 2020. My intention was to continue that series and detail each part of that project. Unfortunately, I ran into some technical problems which meant that not only did the cluster get shutdown, but I didn’t have time to even look at it.
Ansible-fu on Kubernetes
Since beginning this project, I have been slowly building up my (private) Ansible repository on Github. This repository is pulled into AWX where there are a series of jobs that run daily. The idea behind those daily jobs is to automate configuration and administration tasks such as installing the latest software and OS updates.
I have also extended this capability to enhance my Kubernetes knowledge from building my workloads using the Rancher web interface to building manifest templates and deploying them using Ansible.